Over the years, students and graduates have asked us for guidelines on how they can use the iPEC content.
While intellectual property usage can be complicated sometimes, we’ve simplified the approach with the permissions indicated below.
A few general reminders about intellectual property, plagiarism, and permissions:
- When referencing materials from a source, you should always make sure that the material is presented in a way that makes it clear to readers which ideas/data are your own and which are derived from other sources being consulted.
- Always acknowledge and cite the source.
- Any verbatim text taken from another source must be enclosed in quotation marks and be accompanied by a citation to indicate its origin.
- When paraphrasing or summarizing (reproducing the exact meaning of someone else’s ideas or facts using your own words and sentence structure), acknowledge and cite the source.
- Be aware that extensive paraphrasing or quoting of key elements of any kind can constitute copyright infringement; therefore, be certain to give proper attribution to Bruce D Schneider or iPEC for paraphrasing or quoting of any kind. See specific notes at the end of this document.
- When sources are credited properly, special permissions for usage are not necessary.
- If you are seeking permission regarding any intellectual property that is not listed here or if you have any questions, please contact Student Support for additional guidance.
A word about self-made study guides:
Some students create study aids and “cheat sheets” to help them remember and integrate iPEC materials. If you choose to do so, please be aware that study aids are for personal use only; they may not be distributed in any format, even to other students. Besides being a copyright violation, we strongly feel that the value
- All Coaching skills and processes found in iPEC manuals and materials
- Pain/Gain Model of Action
- 3 Step Process
- 4 Step Buy-in Process
- ELI Debrief Script/Process
- A.I.R Process
- Breakthrough Laser Coaching
May be used verbally with clients and as a demonstration only in workshops (you may do a coaching demo using these skills/processes, however, you may not teach the skill/process itself ). These skills cannot be reproduced, distributed, modified, or referenced in any format, including, but not limited to, books, blogs, posts, websites, videos, etc.
In an effort to protect the integrity of our mission,
Looking for more resources to use for sharing the magic of iPEC? Here's how you can refer someone to iPEC.
No matter how you reach out, we invite you to support them in their decision-making process in the way that works best for both of you!
- Tools and resources
May be used verbally with a client. iPEC-provided handout may be copied and distributed with iPEC copyright attribution. May be used in workshops, verbally and on screen, with iPEC copyright attribution. May not quote, explain, or modify in books, blogs, posts, videos, or websites.
- Articles
- Videos
Only available to iPEC students/graduates. Cannot be reproduced, distributed, or cited in any way.
- Cycle of Change
- Energy/Action Model
- iPEC Wheels (Life, Leadership, etc.
- Ideal Image Tool
- AIM SMART Worksheet/Template
- The Deep Centering Technique
- Values Assessment
- Who I Am Exercise
May be used verbally with a client. iPEC-provided handout may be copied and distributed with iPEC copyright attribution. May be used in workshops, verbally and on screen, with iPEC copyright attribution. May not quote, explain, or modify in books, blogs, posts, videos, or websites.
- iPEC Foundation Principle
Individual Foundation Principles may be used verbally with clients. May be used in workshops, verbally and on screen, with iPEC copyright attribution. The Foundation Principles themselves cannot be modified; however, they can be explained in your words in books, blogs, posts, videos, or websites. You must clearly state that what you are presenting is your interpretation of the iPEC content.* (See here)
Do not release the 33 principles, in written format, as a collective set. These principles, together, represent the iPEC philosophy, which can only be taught/ distributed by
- Energetic Self-Perception Chart
iPEC ELI-MPs are trained to share the Energetic Self Perception chart and Energy Levels with clients, or in a workshop as noted here within our IPP and are certified to administer and debrief assessments. As clients gain a whole new level of self awareness they were previously unable to experience, together we forward our mission of raising the consciousness of the world.
Teaching or training Energy Leadership as a framework to coaches or other practitioners to use with their own clients.
You may reference Bruce’s book as the source for more information. You may also recommend iPEC Coaching as the place for coaches to become certified in Energy Leadership and you can become an active iPEC Ambassador, and get paid a fee for your referrals as you awaken the desire for others to become iPEC coaches like you.
No modifications permitted. iPEC copyright attribution required. May be used verbally with clients. May be used in workshops, verbally and on screen, with iPEC copyright attribution. May be reproduced, distributed, or referenced in any format, such as books, blogs, articles, videos, etc. with iPEC copyright attribution.
- Module content
- Games and exercises from modules (except as noted elsewhere in this document)
- Teleclass and webinar recordings and outlines
- Student Manuals
- PowerPoints
These may not be shared.
- Energy Leadership Development System (ELDS) (as a whole, and as segments)
- Law of Being (LOB) (including audio recordings and exercises)
May be used verbally with a client. May be used in a workshop, verbally and on screen, with iPEC copyright attribution. No handouts may be distributed.
Only purchased workbooks/kits may be distributed. No reproduction is permitted. ELDS cannot be co-branded. LOB cannot be co-branded. Workbooks and audio recordings may not be reproduced. Excerpts of content only (not exercises) may be included in books, blogs, posts, videos, and websites with proper attribution. Content (not exercises) can be explained in your words in books, blogs, posts, videos, or websites. You must clearly state that what you are presenting is your interpretation of the iPEC content.* (See here)
- Energy Leadership Follow-up Program
May be used verbally with a client or in a workshop. Hard copies may not be distributed.
- 12 Talents eWorkbook
- Energy Leadership book
- Relax, You’re Already Perfect book
- Relax and Go Deeper audio recordings
May be used verbally with clients. May be used in workshops, verbally and on screen, with attribution of the source. May not be reproduced or distributed in any way. May quote or interpret content from these sources in books, blogs, posts, videos, and websites with proper attribution to the author or the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching. You must clearly state that what you are presenting is your interpretation of the iPEC content.* (See here)
- Unconventional Wisdom
- eWorkbooks (Self-Leadership Development, Core Energy Dynamics, My Coaching Philosophy, Life Review, and Intention Setting)
Only available to iPEC students/graduates. Cannot be reproduced, distributed, or cited in any way.
- Original work by an iPEC representative in speeches, presentations, or social medi
May be used verbally with clients. Must seek permission from iPEC for any other type of usage.
- ELI Assessment
- ELI 360 Assessment
The ELI Assessments may not be renamed. Please see the ELI Toolkit page for ways to market and share the ELI.
- 10 COR.E Disciplines
- COR.E Foundation Principles
- COR.E Influencers
May be used verbally with clients. If the content was provided as a handout or PDF file, formatted by iPEC, the file can be reproduced and distributed in hard copy or electronically with clients and workshops. iPEC copyright attribution must be maintained.
- COR.E Dynamics Client Workbook
May be used verbally with a client. Must purchase workbook or download iPEC-provided PDFs. Can co-brand.
- One Thing Whitepaper
May be used verbally with clients and in workshops. May be reproduced, distributed, and co-branded with proper iPEC copyright attribution. May be used on screen for workshops with proper iPEC copyright attribution cited. May be quoted in books, blogs, posts, videos, or websites with proper attribution. Interpretations permitted. You must clearly state that what you are presenting is your interpretation of the iPEC content.* (See here)
- COR.E Dynamics Presentations & Workshops
May be used on screen for workshops with iPEC copyright attribution. The content of these workshops can be explained in your words in books, blogs, posts, videos, or websites. You must clearly state that what you are presenting is your interpretation of the iPEC content.* (See here)
- COR.E Dynamics web copy
May be quoted in books, blogs, posts, videos, or websites with proper attribution. Modifications permitted.
*If you directly cite, paraphrase, interpret, or verbally explain permitted iPEC materials, you must provide the following attributions:
- Direct citation: Any verbatim text taken from another source must be enclosed in quotation marks and be accompanied by a citation to indicate its origin (e.g., Bruce D Schneider, Energy Leadership, Law of Being, Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching, etc.).
- Paraphrase: When paraphrasing or summarizing (reproducing the exact meaning of someone else’s ideas or facts using your own words and sentence structure), acknowledge and cite the source.
- Interpretations: Include the following phrase: “This piece (book, blog, post, videos, websites, etc.) contains my interpretation of the copyrighted work of Bruce D Schneider and the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC).”
- Verbal: When speaking, please include one of the following phrases: “This is based on concepts I learned in my coach training program with the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC)” or “What I’m explaining is based on Bruce D Schneider’s work in Energy Leadership.”
The following are registered trademarks of iPEC and cannot be used by another individual or company, including as the name of a company or brand, without explicit written permission from iPEC.
iPEC coaches may use these trademarks in their coaching materials and marketing collateral only when properly cited with attribution. Usage of iPEC trademarks outside of coaching materials and marketing collateral requires express written permission from iPEC.
iPEC Awakening Potential®
Energy Leadership®
Energy Leadership Index®
COR.E® Dynamics
Uncovering the Life of Your Dreams®
Core Energy CoachingTM