Micheline Germanos
Leadership Coach  |  CPC, ELI-MP, ACC

From a High Tech Computer Engineering Career to Living Her Dream

Micheline Germanos, a French national born in Lebanon, spent most of her adult life in Paris. Her career began as a computer science engineer, then moved into marketing and then business development and sales. She always loved breaking new ground and taking newly defined positions rather than moving into established roles. She joined Microsoft and then moved with her family to Seattle.

Throughout her career, Micheline has always been fascinated by leadership topics and at the same time, genuinely interested in people. Over the years, her passion for people and possibilities grew and she cultivated the dream of building her own leadership practice. Finally, in 2013, she left Microsoft to pursue her 15-year dream of becoming a leadership coach.

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2023 Program Guide

You’ll get access to all the details, including:

Tick yellow longA snapshot of the coach training journey including a timeline of coursework, certifications, and other milestones

Tick yellow longNitty gritty details about what skills you’ll learn and the support you’ll receive along the way

Tick How the program meets the criteria for an ICF credential (and why that matters!) 

Tick Answers to other frequently asked questions


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