iPEC Graduates Making an Impact

Hear from iPEC alumni working in a variety of fields, all of whom have used their coach training to change their own life and impact the world.

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Case studies page

Alan Cohen (2)
Alan Cohen  |  Leadership Coach
Kim Black (1)
Kim Black |  Internal Coach
Sheldon Young
Sheldon Young  |  Divorce Coach
Sharon Smith Pole
Sharon Smith  |  Executive Coach
Nicholas George
Nicholas George |  Leadership Coach
Demetra Moore 2
Demetra Moore  |  Professional Development Coach
Jennifer Anderson
Jennifer Anderson  |  Life and Leadership Coach for Women
Melissa Maher
Melissa Maher |  Mindfulness Coach
Micheline Germanos
Micheline Germanos  |  Leadership Coach
Nicole wininger
Nicole Wininger |  Leadership Coach
Pasquale Bisecco
Pasquale Bisecco  |  Training and Development Consultant
Morgan Field
Morgan Field  |  Intuitive and Thrive Coach
Mitzi Sackett
Mitzi Sackett  |  Health and Wellness Coach
Soraiya Vasanji
Soraiya Vasanji  |  Transition Coach
Gillian Masarie
Gillian Masarie  |  Leadership Coach
Gina Costa-Goldfarb
Gina Costa  |  Cancer Coach
Alan Cohen

Leadership Coach

  • Alan had reached the pinnacle of his career in Public Relations-having represented everything from bestselling books like Harry Potter to Broadway producers. Yet, something was missing. Despite the accolades he was receiving, Alan felt unfulfilled and miserable.

    He discovered that his true interests were rooted in talent development and training-and became excited by the idea of helping others reach their potential. To pursue this new passion, Alan transferred to the HR department of his company, but soon found himself jobless after a round of mass layoffs. That break gave him a chance to reevaluate where he wanted to go next.

    He met a mutual friend who had undergone iPEC training and was intrigued by what he shared about his experience. As someone already interested in personal and professional development, what Alan heard really resonated with him.

    After enrolling in a single iPEC training to see if it was the right fit, he quickly realized that he wanted to complete the entire Coach Training Program.

    After graduating from iPEC, Alan’s entrepreneurial spirit inspired him to launch his own coaching practice. His career background made it easy for him to identify a specialty niche- coaching and trainings within PR agencies, as well as with professionals in PR, communications, and leadership roles. He partnered with a likeminded business consultant to form the Roos Cohen Group–a new venture that allowed him to combine his inside-out knowledge of Public Relations with his passion for helping others develop and grow.

    Today, he helps business professionals successfully navigate their careers and personal lives, while enjoying the benefits that come from being an independent coach.

    In addition to his thriving coaching practice, Alan is now developing his speaking career and working on his second book about connecting in a disconnected world.
Soraiya Vasanji

Transition Coach

  • Her Natural Gifts Became Finely Tuned

    Soraiya Vasanji discovered her true calling while enrolled in iPEC’s coach training program. She found tremendous support and encouragement and is now on her true path.S he learned how to connect and relate to people in a deeply meaningful way. During the program, she discovered how to embrace her gift and draw from her personal life experience to powerfully coach her clients and bring transformation into their lives.
Sheldon Young

Divorce Coach

  • Creating Clarity and Purpose in Life

    Sheldon Young overcame several personal obstacles through his experience with iPEC’s coach training program. He now has clarified his vision and purpose and is building his coaching practice while honing his coaching skills in his current leadership position as well as expanding his reach to work with people going through the difficult transition of divorce.
Demetra Moore

Professional Development Coach

  • From an Unfulfilled Life to an Exciting Coaching and Speaking Career

    Meet Demetra Moore, iPEC graduate and founder of Moore Out of Life Coaching. After extensive research, Demetra chose iPEC for her training as a professional coach. The program at iPEC transformed her life as she discovered that she had the power to choose the attitudes and perspectives that would empower her to create the life of her dreams. She overcame several very personal and powerful obstacles that had been standing in the way of her success and her happiness. Even several years after completing the program with iPEC, Demetra is still expanding her coaching practice and enjoying a growing public speaking career. Not only did her education at iPEC propel her into a fulfilling life, but Demetra also still enjoys many close relationships that were forged with her peers during her coach training.
Morgan Field

Intuitive And Thrive Coach

  • From an Unfulfilling Corporate Career to a Life of Adventure!

    Morgan Field chased happiness in the corporate world until she found herself at the top of her company, still feeling unfulfilled and thinking that there must be more. She began a journey of self-exploration that eventually led her to coaching and iPEC. She now leads an adventurous and exciting life as a coach, working with women helping them shed self-doubt, fall madly in love with themselves, and create the life of their dreams. She takes her clients on retreats all over the world so they can experience breakthrough in overcoming fears and limiting beliefs. Morgan is the author of best-selling book, Epic Sexy You, and is the winner of iPEC’s first ever Coaches’ Cup.
Pasquale Bisecco

Training & Development Consultant

  • From Creating Short-Term Growth to Making a Lasting Impact at His Organization

    As a Training and Development Consultant, Pasquale focuses on helping his organization be the best it can be through leadership, talent, and team development training. He observed that their one-time training classes were not effective at creating the true behavior change that’s required for long-term success. He knew that in order to accomplish his organization’s business objectives, it was critical to incorporate coaching techniques into their training programs. As he researched online for a coaching program, he discovered iPEC and instantly connected with what he read: “It was like iPEC read my mind. It caught me immediately. ”After enrolling in iPEC’s Life & Leadership Potentials Training (LPT), Pasquale had the first of many aha moments. Pasquale still carries his blue chip from that day as a constant reminder of the potential that each of us brings to the table and how much we can accomplish in our lifetimes-not just as individuals, but within organizations and our community. As a result of his iPEC training, Pasquale now has the tools he needs to drive sustainable change at his organization, while gaining the confidence he needs to pursue his personal goals.
Jennifer Anderson

Life & Leadership Coach for Women

  • From a Successful Leader in Sales to a Thriving Coaching Practice

    Jennifer is not afraid to hear the word “No”. In fact, she sees that word as an opportunity to learn and grow. A successful leader in direct sales, Jennifer built a multi-million dollar nationwide team in which she took great pride. She realized, however, that something was missing. She wanted more of what she loved – connecting with people. Given her innate ability to coach, Jennifer turned to iPEC and received her certification in February 2015. In just one short year, Jennifer has managed to build a growing, thriving coaching practice helping women achieve balance with work and family. What’s the secret of her success? Discover how Jennifer has created opportunities in her business which just this month brought in an income surpassing that of her previous direct sales business! Through her story, you will see how you too can step out in confidence, find your niche and attract your ideal clients – bringing a flow of opportunities your way!
Gillian Masarie

Leadership Coach

  • From Successful, but Not Happy, to Successful AND Happy!

    Gillian Masarie had a successful career as a recruitment leader in a healthcare system. She received a promotion that she had wanted for a long time and enjoyed recognition for her accomplishments. However, within six months in this new position, she realized the job was not what she expected. Although she was successful, she was not very happy. She decided to leave this position and begin an exploration to find the career that would work for her. Along the way, she discovered that coaching was a great fit and that it tapped into her natural skills. She also realized that she could bring it back to healthcare and have a greater impact than ever before in that arena.

    Since graduating iPEC, Gillian has developed a very successful leadership development and coaching program targeting healthcare leaders in hospitals. Her program has received rave reviews and her future looks extremely promising. Now she is not only highly successful, but she is also very happy!
Micheline Germanos

Micheline Germanos

  • From a High Tech Computer Engineering Career to Living Her Dream

    Micheline Germanos, a French national born in Lebanon, spent most of her adult life in Paris. Her career began as a computer science engineer, then moved into marketing and then business development and sales. She always loved breaking new ground and taking newly defined positions rather than moving into established roles. She joined Microsoft and then moved with her family to Seattle.

    Throughout her career, Micheline has always been fascinated by leadership topics and at the same time, genuinely interested in people. Over the years, her passion for people and possibilities grew and she cultivated the dream of building her own leadership practice. Finally, in 2013, she left Microsoft to pursue her 15-year dream of becoming a leadership coach.
Nicole Wininger

Internal Coach

  • She Stepped Into Her Power as An Internal Coach

    Nicole Wininger’s iPEC training empowered her to find her voice and step into her power in her position as Director of Training and Leadership Coaching for her company. She helps her clients believe in their potential, break through their self-imposed limits, and step fully into who they are as leaders.

    iPEC’s Coach Training equipped Nicole to be a change agent in her company’s culture, and she now confidently leads the way towards creating a positive and energy-infused work environment for everyone. Throughout her career, Micheline has always been fascinated by leadership topics and at the same time, genuinely interested in people.
Nicholas George

Leadership Coach

  • A Renewed Sense of Purpose

    Nicholas George is a leadership coach, helping others to develop their skills and create success. During his search for renewed purpose for when his military career ends, he was invited to attend iPEC’s Life and Leadership Potentials Training. On the very first day, he was powerfully impacted and realized how much he needed this training.

    He credits iPEC’s coach training for empowering him with valuable knowledge and skills to help his clients succeed and to find his own success.
Kim Black

Internal Coach

  • From an Unsatisfying Position to Her Dream Job

    She found herself dissatisfied and unfulfilled in her job, although she loved her company. When Kim went to her mentor for help, she was presented with a question that ignited a spark of curiosity in her heart. The question was simple, yet profound: “What do you really want to do?” This question set her on a soul-searching quest to find her true passion. Kim knew one thing for sure – she loved helping people find who they truly are. Her search led her to the coaching profession and, after conducting some very thorough research (involving several detailed spreadsheets), Kim chose to enroll in iPEC’s Coach Training Program. She credits her training at iPEC as being key to preparing her for her role as an internal coach with her company.

    Inspired by iPEC’s concept of Energy Leadership, Kim discovered that it helps her clients step out of their boxes of number crunching and statistics analysis to explore more of their true “who” and discover paths of self-development and enrichment in ways they never knew existed. Kim has found true fulfillment for what she calls a “soul-wrenching desire” to truly help others.

    She is so glad that she embarked on that quest to find her true calling and now has the amazing privilege to work a job doing what she absolutely loves.
Gina Costa

Cancer Coach

  • Transforming Personal Struggles into a Meaningful Career

    Ever since she was a little girl, Gina had an overwhelming desire to help others, but it took a series of challenging circumstances for her to discover her true purpose. After serving as her mother’s caregiver while she battled ovarian cancer, Gina was devastated and lost when she passed away. To make things even more complicated, Gina gave birth just three days later. She was overwhelmed and struggled to balance her grief with her joy over her new baby daughter.

    Remarkably, this difficult life moment was the impetus that Gina needed to seek her higher purpose. She ultimately moved forward by becoming actively involved in raising funds for women’s cancer, genetic testing, and generating awareness. For Gina, it was a way for her to keep her Mom’s memory alive and cope with her grief, while simultaneously helping others. However, she felt called to go one step further-she wanted to find a way to serve and support other survivors as they processed their circumstances. That’s when she discovered iPEC. After speaking to an iPEC Admissions Coach, she realized that this was the missing piece she needed to transform her passion into a meaningful career.

    Gina realized that with the right tools and training, she could turn her negative life experiences into a positive future. As a breast cancer survivor herself and having lost her mother to the disease, Gina could offer a level of understanding and wisdom that only comes from experiencing these challenges firsthand.
Melissa Maher

Mindfulness Coach

  • She Followed Her Intuition to Find Her Dream Job

    Meet Melissa Maher, iPEC graduate and Mindfulness Coach. When she began her coaching journey, Melissa had zero interest in becoming an entrepreneur. She thought it would be too much work and that it would actually restrict her from enjoying the freedom-drenched lifestyle she longed to create. As she began to trust this “super power” within her and follow the path it led her on, she came to realize that her life and her business could actually flow with ease and joy.
Mitzi Sackett

Health & Wellness Coach

  • From A Hobby To A Fulfilling Career

    Mitzi Sackett, Health & Wellness Coach for Women, discovered how to transform a hobby into a successful career as a result of the excellent training she received from iPEC Coaching.

    A single parent living in the countryside of upstate New York, Mitzi experienced deep personal transformation as she explored her true passion – helping women who have been challenged their entire lives with weight, health, food relationship and body image issues. She helps them completely transform to living a healthy life every day by creating a space where they grow to love themselves so healthy choices become a “want to” instead of a “have to.” Throughout the process of becoming a coach, Mitzi came to the realization of “This is why I’m here – to impact the lives of women with this work I do. It’s not just about success in my business, it’s about connecting to something bigger.”
Sharon Smith

Executive Coach

  • From Unfulfilled Employee to Engaged Business Owner

    Sharon Smith spent 15 years working in corporate America before she realized that she was not where she belonged. A single parent living in the countryside of upstate New York, Mitzi experienced deep personal transformation as she explored her true passion – helping women who have been challenged their entire lives with weight, health, food relationship and body image issues. She helps them completely transform to living a healthy life every day by creating a space where they grow to love themselves so healthy choices become a “want to” instead of a “have to.” Throughout the process of becoming a coach, Mitzi came to the realization of “This is why I’m here – to impact the lives of women with this work I do.

    It’s not just about success in my business, it’s about connecting to something bigger.”

Our coaches have worked with some of the top organizations in the world, including:

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Tick yellow long How the program meets the criteria for an ICF credential (and why that matters!) 

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