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iPEC's ICF-Accredited Coach Training Program Provides 3 Certifications

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iPEC's ICF-accredited coach training program sets you up for success with 3 certifications!

Included in iPEC's ICF-accredited coach training program are 3 proprietary, research-backed, coaching certifications to set you apart as a masterful coach. Watch this video for a full overview of iPEC's 3 coaching certifications, and what they enable you to do as a coach.

Here’s what you can expect

Did you know iPEC offers digital credentialing?

This means that when you receive a certification from iPEC, it will be much more than just a piece of paper you frame and hang in your office. You’ll be able to put your credentials to work for you by showcasing—on your website, social media profiles, email, and beyond—that you’re a verified coaching professional with proven expertise! Plus, having digital credentials allows you to easily tap into a network of other verified coaches with iPEC certifications and be listed on iPEC’s public directory of certified coaches

Learn more about digital credentialing


Curious about the timeline and logistics of iPEC’s ICF-accredited Coach Training Program?

Check out our Coach Training Program Details video for a more specific breakdown of how you earn these three certifications, as well as how long it takes and how it can be balanced with your busy schedule.

Ready for more?

Join us for virtual Coaching Office Hours!

This is your chance to ask all those burning questions you have about what it takes to start your journey as a certified coach including questions about coaching methodology, the details of coach training, building a coaching business, and everything in between.

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Start Your Coaching Journey Now

"The journey was unbelievable. What I learned at iPEC gave me permission to live the life that I want to live. Now, my job is to give these gifts to other people and I love doing it. I see my clients transform as they relax and start to follow their own intuition."

Claire Kluever

Claire Kluever

iPEC graduate

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